Paddle Boarding Kauai

Stand up Paddle Boarding Kauai – The experience for life

Paddle Boarding KauaiWhen in Kauai everyone relates it to being in high spirit. Stand up paddle boarding is the new way to be in high spirits. Stand up paddle boarding originated in Kauai as an offshoot of surfing. It is very different than traditional surfing where the rider is waiting for the wave to arrive. In case of Paddle Boarding Kauai the boarders maintain an upright stance on their boards and use a paddle to propel themselves through the water. At a glance it can look a bit difficult but it is the easiest sport. Everyone can enjoy the paddle board from the age of three to ninety.

Stand up Paddle Boarding Kauai has various modes, like flat water paddling for outdoor recreation, fitness, or sightseeing, racing on lakes, large rivers and canals. The paddlers have to be in proper attire for paddling. They need to wear a variety of wet suits and other clothing. Their attire selection depends on both the water and air temperature since most of their time is spent standing on the board. Stand up paddle boarding Kauai has gained lot of popularity in recent times. The feeling of gliding across the water, what some call as Zen on the water, is as relaxing as meditating.

Stand up Paddle Boarding Kauai is the most environment friendly sport as there is no motor or no noise involved it is just your simple board and the paddle. There are different ways by which one can ride a stand up paddle board. Certain river rapids have standing waves caused by the fast moving water running over the rocky bottom contour of the river. If you can paddle into this standing wave you have a theoretically endless wave until you fall or are physically exhausted. This experience is no less than nirvana. It is a must try for all the adventure freaks.

This actually goes for all stand up paddle boarders but the sooner you are aware how vital a leash is in any kind of condition the safer you and everyone else will be when you are paddling. There are different types of leashes and different types of attachment points depending on what style of paddling you are doing,

** Make sure your paddle is the right way

We’ve all done it because it seems right at the time. You want the paddle to scoop the water as you try to balance and paddle without falling in. However, as we all eventually find out, the paddle goes the other way as it works more effectively when in the standing position and also results in a smoother paddle stroke and less stress on your shoulders and elbows. As the shaft is the leading edge you pull the blade through the water in a slightly trailing position which aids blade stability and as you perform the SUP stroke, the blade is vertical providing the best angle through the middle of the stroke for the most power.

** Face the right way

To non surfers or regular water goers, it is not immediately obvious which end is the front/nose of the board. Many beginner boards are large round nose and tail boards with excellent stability, often a large EVA deck area so you can move (and fall) comfortably. So before you jump on the board, check where the fins are and make sure they are in the back when you paddle! Fins at the back help keep the board straight while you paddle, this is called tracking, and help with grip while you surf waves. Fins up front make for a very twitchy paddle board that just won’t go straight no matter how hard you try!

** Paddling with your core

This may sound a little weird at first but paddling is best done by your core. These are the strongest muscles of your body and provide the most effective power for your paddle stroke. Standing up tall and using just your arms to paddle, will be very tiring and you won’t get much power.

** Look at the horizon

When we first start paddling the natural temptation is to look down at the board, to watch the water lapping at the sides and to pray we aren’t going to fall in! However for the best stability, you want to keep your head up, back straight and your body weight over your toes. It sounds silly but with your head down watching you’re toes, you are likely to rock back on your heals and then hello water!

Paddle Boarding Kauai

Paddle Boarding Kauai

** Stay out of the way

The ocean is huge, lakes are big and the rivers are wide. Yet we always seem to want to paddle on the same square inch of water! Paddle boards are big and they can hurt when they hit you. Be mindful of other water users and when you’re learning the art of SUP. Make sure you have plenty of room to practice standing, falling and paddling.

** Fall off your board the right way

Even the pros fall off so this is always going to be a part of your stand up paddle boarding. What is important through, is how you fall. Just like you can practice tricks and wave riding, practicing falls or at least being aware of how to fall and fall safely can ensure your session is not cut short by injury. Paddle boards are big and can hurt when they hit you, when you fall, you want to fall away from your board. Don’t worry, you’re attached to it with your leash and it won’t go away, but falling well clear of the board will let you fall gracefully into water without falling on the board or the fins. This is especially important in any location with current or waves as the board will move independently of your input.

** Ride waves you can handle

I’ve been around the ocean most of my life. Bodyboarding, bodysurfing, surfing, sailing, SUPing… Big waves still scare the crap out of me sometimes. Mother nature is a powerful being and you need to respect that and know your limits. We do this for fun and 99% of us aren’t out there to prove anything. Be smart and ride waves in the right conditions for your skill level. That goes for white water paddle boarding too. Be sure to understand the flow of the river and the power of the water.

** Watch the wind

It’s important to know the conditions when you paddle out. Also to know the forecast so you are aware of any possible changes coming. When you’re standing on your SUP, you are like a sail in the wind. If you’re ever caught in an unfavourable wind change, lay down with your paddle tucked under you and paddle the board like a regular surfboard. This is called paddling prone.

** Look after your board and paddle

Paddle Boarding Kauai for beginners are big. To make them manageable, manoeuvrable and strong they need to be built out of lightweight high tech materials making them expensive. Look after your board and paddle, they are fragile when thrown around on land. Your board will thank you!

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Family owned and operated, Kauai SUP was founded by Brandon and Jessica Miller. Loving the sun, water and good old fashioned customer service, they wanted to bring the people pf Hawaii a low cost, high quality SUP line option not previously available in the state.

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