The Tips for SUP Journey



Whether you are planning a SUP journey alone or with your group, you will need to make a plan. SUP journey can come along with sea sports kauai, camp, tour, or other durability activities. Here are the advice that you could consider before proceeding.

Prioritize safety

If you are paddling alone, make sure you stay safe. Measure your capabilities. Don’t force things that are out of your reach.

Backup plan, flexible plan

You may have expected something that goes out. Many times, you have made an excellent idea, but mother nature won’t allow you to have fun. Sometimes, it is not forgiving. Having a backup plan for specific conditions can be a great idea. Also, you will need to be flexible with your plan. If this day is too hazardous to get on the water, you may want to postpone the trip. There is nothing to lose.


Take your time and browse around. Find some exciting stuff to inspire you for the next journey with your group. Also, be open to all new fresh ideas from your friends or family. After all, you and your group will be on the same board (not literally).

Group leader

Decide who is the group leader. It is essential to have a leader in the pack so that there will be someone who divides the tasks and gather folks to make a plan together. If there is no leader in the group, you know what’ll happen. Everyone has its direction, and your group won’t be conducted as a group.

Consider your group status

Consider the number of people, ages, abilities, and the fitness condition of the group. A small group might be easy to handle. If it is a big group consisting of different variables, you will need to carefully think about the plan that can work for all the members of the group. For instance, you don’t want to get the rough spot because there are many children in your group. You will want to pinpoint the flat water instead.  

Consider whether the location is right for your and group.

Local guides

Speaking about sea sports kauai, there are probably things that you don’t know. Chances are you haven’t explored most of the sites in Kauai. It is not wise to be a blind traveler. Have at least one local guide to accompany you and your group.
