SUP This Season? Here Are Healthy Skin Tips for You

It is a great idea to rent a sup and enjoy your time in Kauai this holiday. However, you should not also neglect the fact that the weather, water, and outer elements there are harmful to your skin. You will face completely different challenges than before.


Since the seasons change, the wet air can make the skin in bad condition. Not to mention that Kauai has a tropical climate, which can be ups and downs for your skin. But don’t panic just yet. You can do the good things before you rent a sup. Here are some tips that you can consider to alleviate skin conditions.


Use lukewarm water


Make sure that the water you use for showers is not too hot for your skin. Instead of taking a long hot shower, use lukewarm water in shorter time. This will prevent your skin from dying. Avoid using hot water to wash your hands since it may turn your skin to red. You don’t want it when you SUP with your friends.


Select mild soap


Purchasing soap is a pivotal thing when treating your skin. So, you will need to select your soap very carefully. Bad soaps will make your skin itchy and dry. Even in the wet season, you will feel dry for sure. Instead, use the mild soap which comes from the popular brand. Using mild soap also help to prevent other skin problems.


Use sunscreen


We know it is a wet season and you think you will be okay without covering your skin with anything. Well, you are completely wrong. Even during the wet season, UV rays still can get through. It is important to protect your skin from their massive attacks. Apply the sunscreen with SPF of 15 or higher. You may want to consult with your dermatologist about which sunscreen product that is suitable for your skin type. This tips will also apply if you are using facial skin care and other skin care products.


Feed your skin


Indeed, you need to eat nutritious foods to improve your skin’s health. Take vitamins and everything you need. Also, drink plenty of water to prevent the dry skin. Fish oil will come in handy to improve your skin’s hydration.


Mind your wardrobe


Depending on your skin type, there might be some clothes that are not suitable for you. The fabric can aggravate the skin problems. You may not notice this. But when you wear a specific shirt and you experience itch, irritation, or dry skin, you must change your clothes. Don’t wear something that will affect your skin. Believe us, it is not convenient at all.


Now, you have got all the tips, time to rent a sup. Have a nice day!

