Paddling in Whitewater




When it comes to paddleboarding in hawaii, you can’t separate it from paddling in the Whitewater. You might not have a problem with the board, but you need to have great paddles to start with.

SUP has evolved from the inland to broader medium sports. The paddle designs have also been evolving from time to time. The manufacturers produce the paddles to help the players to adapt to the change of environment. Many people make a point that choosing the right paddles is an essential key to a successful SUP tour.

The first that you meet in the market is probably the traditional SUP blades. The shape is teardrop with a forward angle. The paddles allow the players to get the consistent reach and pull. The users can use it just like when they conduct swimming stroke. You can use it to surf and brace fine. However, it is only useful for forwarding momentum. In the swift water, users need to use paddle often than paddling forward.

The activities include the steering, prying, feathering, and many more. The new paddle is like a traditional teardrop with the modified shape. It became longer and squared off. The forward angle tends to be less dramatic.

For instance, folks will choose Werner brand since it has a lot of good paddles for whitewater and river. The long rectangular blade shape allows the users to maneuver, brace, dig and skim the surface. The unique form of the new paddle enables the users to to ease the users to give various strokes.

There is also a paddle that comes with the original shape and straight. The novel shaped paddle is also a good option for paddleboarding in hawaii because it eases the users to move naturally in the whitewater. The novel shaped paddle has no angle to the blade. It is the best form for speeding up and direct the board as you desire.

The straight shaped paddles also have the right reasons. The Straight SUP paddle is prevalent for users who are used with high RPMs with a shallow stroke, and more power when paddling deeper. It is a very good choice for whitewater as well.

But in many conditions, you can’t go wrong with the teardrop shape. The teardrop shape is typical to find. You can find many models from many brands with such high prices. Not to mention that the high-performance feel is suitable for the whitewater.


Make sure that you consider this tips when purchasing the paddles for your SUP activity.



Paddleboarding in Hawaii? What to Wear?


Only few people can resist the joyful experience of paddleboarding in hawaii. Speaking of the versatility, there is no single water sport that can match this. Whether you want to do this the whole day on the challenging Kauai’s water, or do this while fishing, or for your meditative paddle session, you can always find the greatest spots in Hawaii. Even better, you can paddleboard all days in the whole year since the climates in Hawaii is so friendly.


But there is a thing that makes the seasons different, you will need to wear the right things.


Year-round, it is important to carry a PFD – personal flotation device. Your PDF is not completed without the whistle when you are out of the common zones. This will give the warning to other boaters when you are in the same area. On the other side, it will come in handy in case of emergency.


Consider wearing waterproof clothing since you want to keep your core warm enough to get through the SUP tour. For most folks, you can’t go wrong with the board shorts and a rash guard. These will protect you from the sunburn. Well, don’t get it wrong. The sunlight can be pretty rough even though in the wet season.


Swimsuit or swim trunks can just do the wonder in the wet season days. In some extents, you are probably up to dive into the water and enjoy the time. Consider wearing the booties, hood, gloves, and wetsuit. In most occasions, the days in Kauai in wet season can be colder than before. Make sure that you are not wearing the suit which is too thick. The thicker suit might restrict your movements. So it is better to try first before purchasing any item in the market.


In colder conditions, make sure you wear the layers to keep your core warm. Whether you are a starter or advanced users, you can’t avoid the falling. Falling off the board is inevitable especially when the wind gets rough in the wet season. But you can have peace of mind given the fact that you already wear layers to prevent you from getting hypothermia.


Consider checking the weather forecast so that you can SUP in much safer manner. Don’t hesitate to ask the locals about the condition of paddleboarding in Hawaii.




Paddleboarding in Hawaii is the Best Cardio




Not only a fun activity to do, paddleboarding in hawaii is the best cardio that you can do in the location. Folks with different fitness goals and abilities agree that paddleboarding can be a great alternative for routine workouts.


AS we know, some exercises regimes in the gym are not suitable for those who have problems with their knees and hips. These rigorous activities involve skipping, squatting, running, jumping, and others. For those who want to avoid sort of activities, you can try paddleboarding in hawaii instead. With the paddle boarding, you will not suffer from the gym injury. You will be away from the knee pain, arthritis, as well as other kinds of pain.


We know that for some people, alternatives to high intensity cardio are hard to find. Well, they haven’t found SUP boarding just yet.

Health and fitness experts agree that SUP can be the best alternative to improve your cardiovascular system without suppressing your body. It is contrary to what you’ve seen in the body weight exercises. By simply paddling on the board, you will attain the benefits which are the same as full body workouts.


With paddleboarding in hawaii, you will be able to avoid injuries that you experience in the gym. When you do the rigorous activities, you will notice that your body will get fatigue in no time. At that rate, the injuries are inevitable. To be able to maintain the cardio, you will use your entire body to paddle, in much relaxing way. The SUP instructors are the resourceful people to help you stay on the right track.


You may not see such significant result if you don’t have a plan. Make a specific fitness plan before getting on board. If you have no idea to add to your plan, you could ask your SUP instructor to help you to make it. He or she will also direct you to choose the correct equipment for this purpose. Probably many people overlook this fact but correct equipment can make huge difference.


Once you passed the SUP lessons, you will be responsible for yourself out there paddleboarding in hawaii. Be safe and aware of the natural conditions. Make sure you always read the weather forecast the moment you sip a cup of coffee in the morning. Also contact the local tour guide to get the most accurate information. Lifeguards in Kauai water will usually make announcement about the condition of the waters. Then the rest thing to do is bringing your plan with you and follow it thoroughly.




Ultimate Tips of Paddleboarding in Hawaii with Your Dog




If you are not separable with your dog, chances are you are going to do paddleboarding in hawaii with your dog. Your lovely furry friend will be the best company. But keep in mind that the water in Hawaii is not so friendly for them. You could consider these ultimate tips to keep you and your dog safe and fun.


Even a dog needs to wear life jacket


You are not the only one who wears a PFD. Your dog will need it too. Some folks overlook this necessity because they think that their dog can swim. While it is true, you should not forget that your dog can be exhausted if swimming too far from your board. They will be too tired to swim to get back to you. The last thing you want is that your dog is drowning because it is tired.


Trim your dog’s nails


You need to keep your dog’s nails clean and tidy. Trim your dog’s nails and extra hair to reduce the scratches on the board. Well, you may have peace of mind if it is your own SUP.

Extra Grip


Consider adding extra grip to prevent the slip. For the dog, it is really bad if slipping from the board. You need to know that most SUP boards, especially epoxy boards, are very slippery. You can avoid any slippery risks by adding an extra pad for your dog. It will make the riding safer and more comfortable. There are tons of options to choose from rubber mats, deck pads, and so on. Just make sure you contact your SUP rental person first before adding anything to their board.


Dog treats


It is very important to reward your dog when he does the thing as instructed. Keep in mind that you might do the SUP for hours. Bring along some treats to reduce the boredom and reward your dog because he’s behaving well on the board.




Just like you, your dog needs to hydrate. So bring a lot of water while paddling in the hot weather. Hot weather will make you and your dog dehydrate so fast. Hydration packs are also a great alternative.


First Aid


What we meant is the first aid kit for you and your dog. The long trip will expose you and your furry friend to certain threats including snakebites. While your dog is out with you, you’ll need to protect him from the environment. The exciting and happy dog can sometimes neglect the situation surrounding. You will need to be a good parent for him.


There you have them! Consider these tips when you are paddleboarding in hawaii. Guaranteed, you and your dog will have fun, be safe and sound.




Paddleboarding in Hawaii




Kauai has tons of activities to offer. When you think about Hawaii, you will probably think about sun bathing, beach games, surfing, kayaking, diving, snorkeling, etc. But what emerges lately is the paddleboarding in hawaii.


Stand Up Paddle boarding has been growing to be a popular kind of sport lately. There have been many businesses which specialize in renting SUP, including us. We offer you different varieties of the board for both beginners and advanced users, as well as the paddle sizes to cater the needs of various ages, weights, heights, and needs.


If you want to have a paddleboarding in hawaii with us, you don’t need to worry. We will provide you the most proper instructions for all the starters and all the necessary equipment needed to enjoy your paddleboarding in hawaii activity. Most of our customers enjoy the environment of the Kauai river and Hanalei spots to paddleboarding in hawaii. Guests are welcome to browse around our site and ask anything they want. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you are interested to take your boards to any SUP board area on Kauai.


The paddleboarding in hawaii is called as Hoe He’e Nalu which literally means stand up paddle boarding. This sport is an ancient form of surfing in Hawaii. Now it has been showing up because many realize that standing on the board will give them higher viewpoint and a lot of interesting experiences. The enhanced experience like this is something that can’t be achieved in other types of water sport.


Stand up paddle is a type of paddle that is used in stand up paddle surfing. bUt with few modifications SUP has been completely different sport than surging. The riders of the SUP vary in ages, genders, and weights. The good thing about paddleboarding in hawaii is that you can combine this sport with other interesting activities.


For instance, you could do it with beach camping, which offers some great and affordable camping spots. Or if you are up to fishing, you can also fishing on the board. You can’t also go wrong with finding the best campsite for camping and fill the time with SUP boarding.


Many spots in Kauai are the perfect destinations for paddleboarding in hawaii. You can;pick a lot of interesting places in Kauai and make good memories with your family and friends. So, what are you waiting for? Contact us now.




How to Work With SUP Paddle Properly

If you are new to paddleboarding in hawaii, then there’ll be the first challenging time that you will spent for a while. There is no need to paddle everyday to get excel in SUPport, but you may experience to wrongly paddle the board. Sometimes, we often overlook the angle of the blade direction so that it hinders the movement of the SUP.


You may not see it as a mistake but you will have quite arguments when you talk with the instructors. If you have not yet hold your paddle correctly, you are not alone. In fact, there are many people who have the same problem with you. Learning how to work with SUP paddle properly does not merely indicate that you are total beginner, but that means you will be able to go faster and more stable.


Here are some tips to consider.

Get the Right Posture

Most of the beginners are a little bit groggy. You will need to find the right posture to make you feel comfortable and confident when paddling. Stand straight but don’t get too stiff. Stance with your legs open as wide as the shoulder width. Slightly bend your knees to preserve the balance. Be careful not to bend over your lower back or shoulder. It is okay to bend your neck a little but maintain your balance. Discuss the posture with your friends or instructor until you get it right.

Positions of Your Hand


When paddleboarding in hawaii, the positions of your hand also affects the success of paddling. It is actually simple to position your hand. One hand needs to have a good grip on top of the paddle. Meanwhile, the other hand will need to have a good grip on the shaft. The rule is simple. You will switch your grips when you switch the paddling sides.


The Length of the Paddle


To get the paddleboarding in hawaii works, you need to choose the right paddle in term of length. If your paddle is not long enough or too long for you, you may consider to swap your paddles with your friends’ or family members’. But the best way to do this is to purchase the adjustable paddle so that everyone can use it.


In order to make your way paddleboarding in hawaii, you need to have a good paddle. Need the right paddle? Check out our website or contact our customer service for questions or inquiry.

