The Tips for SUP Journey



Whether you are planning a SUP journey alone or with your group, you will need to make a plan. SUP journey can come along with sea sports kauai, camp, tour, or other durability activities. Here are the advice that you could consider before proceeding.

Prioritize safety

If you are paddling alone, make sure you stay safe. Measure your capabilities. Don’t force things that are out of your reach.

Backup plan, flexible plan

You may have expected something that goes out. Many times, you have made an excellent idea, but mother nature won’t allow you to have fun. Sometimes, it is not forgiving. Having a backup plan for specific conditions can be a great idea. Also, you will need to be flexible with your plan. If this day is too hazardous to get on the water, you may want to postpone the trip. There is nothing to lose.


Take your time and browse around. Find some exciting stuff to inspire you for the next journey with your group. Also, be open to all new fresh ideas from your friends or family. After all, you and your group will be on the same board (not literally).

Group leader

Decide who is the group leader. It is essential to have a leader in the pack so that there will be someone who divides the tasks and gather folks to make a plan together. If there is no leader in the group, you know what’ll happen. Everyone has its direction, and your group won’t be conducted as a group.

Consider your group status

Consider the number of people, ages, abilities, and the fitness condition of the group. A small group might be easy to handle. If it is a big group consisting of different variables, you will need to carefully think about the plan that can work for all the members of the group. For instance, you don’t want to get the rough spot because there are many children in your group. You will want to pinpoint the flat water instead.  

Consider whether the location is right for your and group.

Local guides

Speaking about sea sports kauai, there are probably things that you don’t know. Chances are you haven’t explored most of the sites in Kauai. It is not wise to be a blind traveler. Have at least one local guide to accompany you and your group.



What You Need to Bring with Your SUP



sea sports kauai




When you think about the reasons why many people choose SUP over Kayaking, the reasons are sensible. One of them is the fact that the doers wont need to bring many stuff as Kayaking. The gear and equipment are quite simple so that you wont be bothered with the preparation before doing the SUP tour with your entourage.

So, what you need to bring along with your SUP?

First things first, PFD is essential. Obviously, you cant be safe without wearing the PFD. Even the most professional swimmers have the risk of drowning when they are not wearing personal flotation device when conducting sea sports kauai the tour.

The equipments are not cheap, but you can rent them for the cheap price. When you rent the SUP from trusted rentals, the packages are usually including the PFD, paddles and other important items. Keep in mind though that not all companies provide the complete package of the SUP gears and equipment. You will certainly be helped a lot with the PFD, moreover if you are falling to the water too often. For the beginners, wearing the PFD can be a pivotal thing because it is the security matters.

The SUP leash is also important. It is the leash for all the SUPers. Omitting to wear this is a big failure. Leash is the only one that link your feet to your paddleboard. When you fall off your board, you will want to keep the board nearby. Thats when the leash helps you. The SUP leash ensures that you wont go far away from your SUP so that you can arise again after falling.

In many cases, SUP leash is also the matter of life or death. When the water is not so friendly, it can set you apart from your board in seconds, if you are not wearing leash.

Besides leash and PFD, you should also consider about the traction pads. Although it is not the core items of the sea sports kauai, it will help you a lot to manage the stability and comfort of the board.

For extra grip, you could also consider to wear the water shoes. These pairs are so perfect for the extra grip. You know, it can be very slippery when you wear nothing. Not to mention that the water shoes also protect your feet from shells, rocks, sands, and other outer elements which can affect your feet.

Just like when you are kayaking, it is also important to get the whistle for emergency.

Consider all of these items and you will be golden.



Winning Training Tips in Sea Sports Kauai




If you are going to enter the SUP race sea sports kauai or just want to have a fun race with your best buddies, you will surely want to be ready to face the challenges. You will probably need an ample training strategy to make you readier than before.

If you are planning to participate in an official SUP race, it is not bad to train more routinely than before. You might have some days or weeks before the event to train to meet your performance expectations. As we know, some paddlers might have different specialties which are around the big surf, downwind, distance, as well as flat water.

You don’t need to be a high-level paddler to make your friends impressed. When you are better than them, you can really nail it without having to go to official sea sports kauai. But you might be willing to push harder to find new talents and go deeper with your SUP skills.

You might be offered with the SUP competition participation and you are reluctant to reject it. It is your opportunity. If that is your case, it is the right time to increase your SUP performance. The key to success is keep practicing and hone your skills to the perfection.

First things first, of course, you will need to review all the basics and improve them all.

You would come to believe that working hard can make you succeed in anything. Well, it is not wrong for the SUP race. If you want to go pro, you will need to get ready for the challenges in the future. If you are up to it, the very first step you need to take is to get you a good instructor for teaching you to go pro. You won’t want to set your training programs by yourself. Instead, you can follow the adequate training programs from the experts.

Don’t forget to see if you can handle the training. You may or may not conduct the endurance training before. This will take quite much time.

Start with the minor races. Training is not only about following your trainer’s instructions. Your instructor will also encourage you to participate in minor races until you get to the bigger races. When you are doing well, the sponsors may be interested in you. It can take months, or few years to reach your potential. Stick with your training programs designed for you.

Being serious in the SUP race and competition is not an overnight achievement. To get serious on sea sports kauai, you will need to sacrifice your ample time and effort.



Types of SUP with Kids




If you are looking for fun sea sports kauai, you can’t go wrong with the SUP Kauai. SUP has been one of the most popular water sports. For those who love outdoor activities, you can’t miss this interesting sport if you visit Kauai county. Gone are the days when SUP was exclusively for professionals. Now it can be enjoyed by average people with family.


You can also tag your kids along with you in paddle boarding. There are basically 2 types of SUP with kids: sharing the board with your kids, or paddle with your kids on a separate boards. Either way, it is a fun activity to do together with your family. Guaranteed, your kids will love it. Whether your child’s are  using their own board or paddling on the same board with you, there are some keys to remember so that your experience will be great.


Regardless the type of SUP with kids, they will need to wear the PFD for their safety. The good thing about this is that you don’t have to bring PFD to the location. Instead, you can also rent it along with the board.


When SUPing on the same board as your kids, you will need to make sure that they are ready to swim when they need it. Falling off the board is inevitable for first timers. If your kids have been prepared for the sort of situations, you will have peace of mind when your kids join the outdoor. It is vital to check weight restrictions of the board you are going to use. Keep in mind that the weight can be plenty due to your weight and your kids’ weight combination. The other challenge that you need to tackle on the sea sports kauai is the fact that you might experience some slippings. It may be a difficult thing to do at first since you have to synchronize your things with your kids. But it is fun to do it. Practice makes better.


If you are doing this on separated SUP, the challenge is on your kids alone. They tend to be more challenged because they will operate the SUP by themself. Your kids will benefit from the small boards and paddles which are designed for them. The key to fun and safe sea sports kauai is to get close to your kids along the way. In this case, you’ll need to be patient. Your kids need time to process all the things surrounding them. Calmer waters are the best spots to start. If your kids require assistance, don’t hesitate to lend them your hands. Most importantly, have fun with your kids!

