Tea Time in Your SUP Camp with Your Kids

You might bring your paddleboards for rent to your camp with your family or fellow group. Just like other activities, you will want to add more to your agenda. Tea time is one of the ways to improve the bound with your family and strengthen the bonds between each member. After all, you and your family deserve that. You could sit back, relax, and enjoy a cup of tea with some snacks. You can make your evening time special with the best recipes with the ingredients you easily find in the nearby convenience store. Your tea time will be successful if all the members join your tea party. Here is how you can plan your tea time with your group.

You can bring that excitement to your group and host a tea party activity. If you bring your kids with your group, that can make a great idea. The kids learn many things from the tea party prep, set up the tea, as well as the entertainment in the activity. When it is a holiday, it will give your kids something to anticipate. A tea party can make a perfect holiday theme.

Before the tea party preparation, your kids should help the parents to prepare for the tea time party.

That starts with the decoration’s creation for the tables, chairs, and the theme. The crafts can be an excellent opportunity to strengthen your bonds with your kids. It is because everything is done together.

The menus for the tea time are also relevant. Kids nowadays can have such great ideas when creating the list. It does not have to be complicated or fancy. Even the simple snacks like muffins and donuts can work for your amazing tea time. The best thing about it is that you don’t have to be an expert baker to create them. The nearby stores sell easy cookies and muffin mixes that require only additional eggs and milk, and other flavors you want to add. Before the event, make sure that every kid’s opinion is there. You will want to make this activity special for all parties. Make sure your kids have the roles in it.

When the main event happens, you could use the tea time to teach your kids to set the table. You could draw the picture in the chalkboard to explain the manner and setup. Then, help your kids to copy the same pattern with their utensils and plates. During the party, remind your kids to use their napkins as they should be.

Last but not least, have fun! Consider taking paddleboards for rent with your kids before or after tea time. It does not matter.